Here is a comparison between the Lightroom “denoising” and DxO-XD. Yesterday I made some macros with the – nevertheless already aged – Nikon D800 and the Nikkor 105 f/2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor at ISO 8000. The comparisons are respectively D800 Native vs. DxO, D800 Native vs. Lightroom, and DxO vs. Lightroom. Three comparisons are compiled below. […]
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Category: Cameras & Lenses
My view on cameras, lenses and all around the hardware
Cuxhaven architecture III
To test my Zodiak 30mm Fisheye on the GFX again with the Hartblei adapter I took a few pictures in the city yesterday morning. Since it is often quite close for a good shot, the 50mm of the Zeiss Flektogon is often too long. For comparison, I also packed the Nikon D800 with the Nikkor […]
Astrophotography automation
Some time ago two new telescopes for astrophotography appeared on the market. Both have in common that here astrophotography is made easy by offering an all-in-one device, which is simply set up and after switching on automatically performs the setup. With the smartphone controlled objects in the sky can then be approached and the built-in […]
iFootage Shark Slider Nano
First test of the iFootage Shark Slider Nano. Here a timelapse at the ferry port with the Fuji X-T20 and the 18-55mm at 18mm focal length. The slider runs excellent. Very quiet and does exactly what has been programmed. Operation is simple and fast. All settings are made quickly thanks to the built-in interface. […]
Lightroom Superresolution
With the latest version of Lightroom Classic, the “Superresolution” feature from Photoshop has also been integrated. It has also been changed to support TIFF or other files. This now also opens up the possibility of enhancing RAW files processed with DxO PureRaw. In the 100% crop, a bit more details become visible. […]
DxO PureRaw – 2
Super-resolution images from Photoshop are provided by DxO in the regular resolution. The only solution is to use an external service provider to increase the resolution (e.g. GigaPixel AI, etc.). In addition, panorama DNGs from Lightroom and everything in other formats – other than Topaz DeNoise AI – are not processed as RAW or DNG. […]
DxO PureRaw
By chance, I became aware of the latest DxO Raw Converter software, and today I gave it a quick try. It’s incredible what the software can do. Unfortunately, the X-Trans sensors from Fuji are not supported, but even so, it seems to be worth the money. The images were processed synchronously. The DxO version, of […]
Nikkor 300f/4 and 500f/5.6
My lenses arrived today. A short test at the beach was very promising. All pictures were taken with the D500. Screenshots from Lightroom. Only exposure adjusted and developed with automatic adjustment. Completely developed crop using the Nikkor 500. Nikkor 300 at 200% Nikkor 300 with 1.4 Converter at 200% Nikkor 500 with 1.4 Converter at […]
Madeira 2019 statistics
The total distance I recorded with my Garmin (without flight) is shown here: On Madeira, 2053 kilometres were covered over the 2 weeks. During this time I used 2 cameras with overlapping lenses. The Nikon D800 was mainly used in Funchal in the market hall and at the volcano visit. Otherwise the Nikon D850 was […]
Tuscany 2017 – Statistics
The traveling distance I tracked with my Garmin (without the way from home to Tuscany and back) is shown here: The total distance in Tuscany we travelled over the ten days was 1300 km. From and to Tuscany summed up to 3150 km, which gives a total of 4450 km. I used 2 camera gears over […]