After the Bode galaxies shots I programmed the software and took 175 pictures of the Iris Nebula. This ran until about 4:30 am. The recording data and astrometry evaluation.
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Month: September 2019
M81/M82 – Bode & Cigar Galaxy
Not a cloud in the sky. Very promising to try the Nikon D5200 on the telescope. The test candidate was M81/M82. I had already photographed them twice in the past, but with the D800. Following the recording data and the astrometry evaluation.
Cuxhavens don’t do that…
…, I hope, at least. During my walk around the Kugelbake during the stormfront Ignatz I noticed a small dirt nest in the beach oat. Not very “Fridays for Future” like.
Stormfront Ignatz
Finally once again a strong wind in Cuxhaven. Not quite as strong as last time, but at least something. In addition good weather and high tide at the right time. What else do you need? The good weather then also called many Cuxhavener and tourists to see the spectacle at close range. It was nearly […]
Little Visitor
I had a little observer in the morning while taking some photos in Cappel-Neufeld. They are nice to look at, but you would rather not have them in your house or car…
Ruddy turnstone
In the morning the weather and light was just as good. I could test the Nikkor 500f/5.6 a bit more extensively at the Kugelbake. On the way back, a more rarely seen species sat on one of the fences. I am almost sure that this is a tree pipit. So far I am more than […]
Nikkor 300f/4 and 500f/5.6
My lenses arrived today. A short test at the beach was very promising. All pictures were taken with the D500. Screenshots from Lightroom. Only exposure adjusted and developed with automatic adjustment. Completely developed crop using the Nikkor 500. Nikkor 300 at 200% Nikkor 300 with 1.4 Converter at 200% Nikkor 500 with 1.4 Converter at […]