The waxwings were unfortunately not to be seen today in the early morning, but a few other native species. The latter could also be a song thrush, I’m not so sure.
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Month: October 2022
On the way to breakfast
After the time reset, there was enough time this morning to cycle through Cuxhaven to the meeting point. All pictures were taken with the Nikon J4 and the kit lens 10-30mm. All in all, the camera is only useful for my astro project. OK, for times a short snapshot it may go, but then the […]
Partial solar eclipse
On October 25, the partial solar eclipse visible from Germany took place. At first it did not look as if the weather would play along. But the second half of the approx. 2 hours it was clear. I had both telescopes set up. At the CGEM26 with the Skywatcher ED 72/420 I had mounted […]
M31 – Andromeda
Last night it was finally clear again. Opportunity to capture the Andromeda galaxy. Other deep sky objects would have fallen victim to the (almost) full moon. Originally it was supposed to be a mosaic, but that didn’t work out. Therefore as a single image, and thus also M110 squeezed hard to the edge. The […]
At the Stinstedt lake
I wanted to take a few infrared pictures. Unfortunately, the sun has not quite played along, so everything has become a bit pale, but still quite nice. On the way to the lake, this nice courtyard driveway caught my eye. At the lake it was even more dreary than on the way there. No […]
At the Oste river
Short drive to Neuhaus (Oste) and Geversdorf. After the weather prospects during the day I had expected a little more…