After long weeks without good weather, yesterday’s sky looked promising. I took the opportunity and went to the wadden sea in Sahlenburg, where I was able to get the below panorama image (2 images stacked vertically).
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Year: 2018
Scoop mill Honigfleth
I had already picked out the mill – in its origin from 16th century – some time ago. Yesterday we had a look at the object. To take photos, the place is rather less suitable, because it is teeming with modern windmills and electricity pylons, no matter from which direction.
Buseu 2018
Another trip to the Pyrenees for some vulture shooting. As in 2012, we had 2 days with a vulture feeding session seeing Griffon Vultures, Black Vultures and – of course – several Lämmergeier. Furthermore we had a session for a Golden Eagle pair on the third day. Haven’t worked out all my pictures I took, […]
M33 – Triangulum Galaxy
Last night was clear, so I took the opportunity for another shooting session. This time my object was the Messier 33 or Triangulum Galaxy. Still not 100% worked out with Pixinsight, especially with the background extraction to avoid bigger colour shifts, but alright for now. The shooting parameters can be seen from below. The […]
Sunrise @ Kugelbake
It has been a while since I was doing some shots at sunrise at Kugelbake. So, quite a pleasing morning although too many low clouds hindered the red coming more through.
Rework of Pelican Nebula and Pleiades
I did a rework of the former shot of the Pelican Nebula and the Pleiades. The Pelican now comes out much better than in the previous work using only Photoshop. Not fully happy with the Pleiades picture. Seems to be still very noisy and the structures are not how I’d like to have them. However, […]
Andromeda – third rework
I re-developed for a third time the previous shot Andromeda Galaxy image. As said, the learnings have to be done, the data is already there in the images. This – for now – last rework of that image is what is satisfying enough. Greater images can only be done by having spot-on focus, which I […]
My target object for the last session was the Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters). As mentioned, I had to wait to get them higher in the night sky to avoid too much light pollution. The mistake I made when shooting this was that I thought it’s fine to re-use the same darks I […]
NGC 7000 and IC 5070
Last night I was waiting for the intended object to rise. Since my gear was ready before, I took the opportunity to shoot my first nebula images. The NGC 7000 image was done with 40 lights and 10 darks at 60 seconds using ISO 1600 on my D800. The IC 5070 image was done with […]
First Light 2
My first reasonable picture using the Skywatcher 130/650 PDS; therefore this is to be seen as the first light for the scope. I have done several tests with the Nikon D80 but that never turned out well. So, I returned to the D800 with all the drawbacks such camera has. The sky was clear, no […]