Image from last night. Here it was a session with the iOptron SkyGuider Pro and the Nikon D800 with Samyang 135mm. The Polaris IFN can also be photographed very well without a mount, directly from a tripod. In this case, however, the exposure time of a single image should be a maximum of 20s. […]
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Category: Astrophotography
Deep Sky, Solar-System and Night Landscape photography
NGC 4565 – Needle Galaxy
A shot with the Dwarf II from yesterday evening. However, more focal length is necessary for the galaxy… Recording data
An image (from 50 individual images) of the comet that could possibly be visible to the naked eye from April. Predicting comets is always a bit difficult, but the development of the magnitude until May could make it possible. However, it will probably not be as bright as C/2020 F3 Neowise in 2020.
Another DWARF II
A somewhat older image with the DWARF II. Here I photographed the area around the Flame and Horsehead Nebula. The image is from January 9, 2024. The image was taken directly from the DWARF II, as I was unable to stack the individual shots afterwards despite several attempts. The differences to the Skywatcher telescope […]
Two times DWARF II – Part 2
The second object was the Orion Nebula. Photographed many times, but always beautiful to look at… Aufnahmedaten
Two times DWARF II
Yesterday evening it was clear again. I was able to set up the small DWARF II once again and photograph two objects. Since the small telescope has some problems with darker objects, I pointed it at two old acquaintances this time. The M33 galaxy is one of the brighter and above all larger appearing […]
An image from yesterday evening. The image of the IC342 galaxy was taken with the DWARF II with an exposure time of 1 hour. IC 342 is a barred spiral galaxy with an active Hubble-type SAB(rs)cd galactic nucleus in the constellation of Giraffe in the northern starry sky. It is around 11 million light […]
M45 – Pleiades
Over 3 nights since November 7th I took 836 exposures of 15s each with the Dwarf II of the Pleiades. Here are the results. Not quite as great, but at least they are recognizable. I’m still hoping for the higher resolution of the Dwarf II, which should be available in the next few weeks. […]
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Yesterday evening at 22:14 the maximum of the partial lunar eclipse was to be observed. My picture from 22:18, when finally the clouds had some gaps, was taken freehand with the X-T5 and the 50-140mm. The weather was simply too bad for a timelapse series, so I didn’t even try.
M74 Galaxy
It was just an attempt… The focal length for the Messier 74 object is too small. In addition, the resolution of the Dwarf camera is quite poor. But, at least, the galaxy is visible. Shooting Data