Yesterday evening there were auroras to marvel at over the Tidal Elbe. Marveling because – for me – it was the first time I could see the lights directly. Despite the bright moon, it was quite impressive. There was also very little boat traffic, which made the whole thing even better. The wind of […]
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Month: November 2023
M45 – Pleiades
Over 3 nights since November 7th I took 836 exposures of 15s each with the Dwarf II of the Pleiades. Here are the results. Not quite as great, but at least they are recognizable. I’m still hoping for the higher resolution of the Dwarf II, which should be available in the next few weeks. […]
…at least there is something to see. Unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately the sky was completely cloudy here in the night from November 4 to 5 and the gray mass did not allow any attempt to take photos of the substorm. Too bad, though. Then yesterday evening another aurora forecast. But not with the same intensity as […]