Yesterday afternoon I flew with the DJI Mini in Döse. Although there are already many vacationers here, the hustle and bustle in Grimmershörn Bay was still limited.
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Category: Drone
Shots taken with my DJI drone
Cuxhaven City and Altenbruch
On Sunday afternoon I visited two different places with the drone. From the market place in Cuxhaven a panoramic view of the city of Cuxhaven was created. A second flight in the south of Altenbruch.
Cuxhaven Altenbruch
A short flight video from March 18, 2022. Unfortunately, spring has not yet begun as you can see from the colors.
Cuxhaven, Döse & Duhnen
During a bike ride on Monday I had several opportunities to do some flying, despite strong winds. Three times from the backcountry, so to speak…
Cuxhaven Duhnen
Cuxhaven Döse
Wind farm Nordholz
This morning I flew again at the wind farm Nordholz. After the weather was very bad last time, the snow was missing today, but, you can not have everything. And here’s the flightlog
Cuxhaven city
After the small failure in the morning I flew yesterday in the afternoon at the weekly market. The light was much better and so it was quite a nice flight.
Cuxhaven Döse
Unfortunately, the announced weather situation was then not as expected. On the horizon was a band of clouds. Nevertheless, a few shots of the Kugelbake and Döse in the snow. A bit later the clouds closed in, so I did the planned flight in the Nordholzer Windpark, but the video is just not usable. At […]