Last night, I tried my hand at the Rosette Nebula. Instead of the usual Nikon D5200 I had put on the Nikon D800 this time. The nebula has a large extension and with the crop camera the angle of view might have been too small. Of the 75 lights originally made, only 44 were ultimately […]
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Month: March 2020
Sahlenburg moorland
NGC 7023 – Iris nebula
Actually I wanted to photograph the Rosette Nebula last night. But the nebula is a bit too big for the D5200 crop camera. Therefore I postponed it for now to try it again eventually this week with the D800. As an alternative, I have programmed the software for the Iris Nebula. I had already made […]
M42 – Orion nebula
Last night the conditions were superb for taking astrophotos again. Since it is still possible, due to the season, I wanted to photograph the M42 Orion nebula. After the problems with the equipment the night before, this time it worked perfectly. The recording data and astrometry evaluation.
Short-eared Owls in Schillig
Yesterday I drove to Schillig to take pictures of short-eared owls. No way like the owls in Cuxhaven 2016. Although I saw 5 at the same time (and there are supposed to be more), they are very shy and “unapproachable”. Nevertheless, I managed to take a few pictures. Hier sieht man schon, bei respektablem Abstand, […]
Cuxhaven Alte Liebe
Early this morning at the Alte Liebe in Cuxhaven… Beside the harbour area, the sunrise was of course also a nice one.
Cuxhaven Grimmershörnbucht
Yesterday in the early evening I quickly drove to the ferry port at the Grimmershörnbucht and made a short flight there. As I wrote before, full backlight is extremely difficult for the small camera. On this flight I had attached an ND filter.
Kugelbake early in the morning
There were already some people on the way in the early morning. Best weather and above all little wind had probably appealed to some photographers to come to the Kugelbake. I hadn’t put the ND filters on this morning. The lateral incidence of light would have strongly affected the images. Backlight shots in JPG […]