After the eagle tour we went to the east bank hide for a few hours. Eagles were rather not to be expected, but even so it was quite productive. Red kites, buzzards and the obligatory magpies came to the bait. Only the ravens, which we had already had here before, didn’t show up. A short […]
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Month: May 2020
Feldberg Lake District – Eagle Tour
The eagle tour didn’t work so well with my photos. The D500 with the 300 PF was “too close” and with the D4 I missed painfully the group focus. The kites were a little better…
Feldberg Lake District – Red Kite Tour
My fourth visit to the Feldberg lake district. 3 years ago I had been there last. For the first evening we had booked the Milan tour. From the light it started a bit too early, but at least it was ok. Meanwhile on the tour a grey heron comes to the bait fish. That was […]
Eurasian reed warbler
Common linnet
I did not find the carmine rosefinch I was looking for, but I was able to take some nice pictures of common linnets.
Eurasian dotterel
I also wanted to have a look at the Eurasian dotterel sighted near Cuxhaven. So I drove there on Saturday and looked, but there was nothing to discover. But I had luck with a bluethroat. This Sunday morning in the morning again there and looked. Yes, there were 10 to 15 Eurasian dotterel present, but […]
The night I wanted to take pictures of the M81/M82, I had to wait a little bit before it was dark enough. Since the C/2019 comet had burst two days before, I targeted the C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) comet and took 20 pictures as a test. What a pity, I wish I had taken more 🙂 […]
M42 – Orion Nebula
I have reworked my picture of the M42 from March 2020. The first version had a strong banding which became very visible in the dark areas. Furthermore I made the core a bit darker to bring out the objects there a bit better. In addition, 32 light frames were sorted out where the image was […]
European stonechat
Early this morning in the Duhner Heide. In the best light of the morning sun I was lucky to meet several European stonechat.
Cuxhaven Küstenheiden
Yesterday there were great cloud formations in the blue sky. In the Küstenheiden National Reserve they were especially good on the horizon. While the D2x made a timelapse, I had enough time to take some pictures. First with the Nikon D80, the Nikkor 16-85 and the Hoya 720nm filter some infrared images. Later I took […]