On last Friday morning and yesterday in the late afternoon I took some pictures in the Cuxhaven Küstenheiden. On friday only with the 50mm and yesterday a first try with the 32-64mm zoom. The zoom is really an enormous facilitation in the selection of the composition.
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Month: October 2020
Autumn colors
Somehow it doesn’t really want to get through this fall. Some trees are already very nicely colored, but most still have their dark green leaves. Well, a real Indian Summer is also not to be expected, but maybe there will be something more coming along.
Cuxhaven with medium format
There she is now. I bought the Fuji GFX-50r with the Fujinon GF-50mm used. Very nice piece of equipment! Yesterday in the afternoon I went for a short drive to do the first tests. That was promising. Since the weather was good, there were a lot of people on the way. That was a little […]
Masuria – Video
The video of the trip is finished. I have also added the Dashcam videos of the fifth, sixth and eighth day (September 29 and 30 and October 2). It shows some flights with the drone, excerpts of some Dashcam shots, some video recordings with the Sony camera, two timelapse videos and some images taken […]
Masuria – Ninth Day
Last day in the beautiful Warmia-Masuria. A little bit of sunshine and you will feel better. One last short look in Sensburg and then back again. At the St.-Trinitatis-Church I did another 360° panorama at the end. Momento 360° VR Version Day-Trip On the last day we drove about 1200 kilometers. Destinations were Kętrzyn, […]
Masuria – Eighth Day
Even worse weather than the day before, but there are still a few cemeteries that we haven’t visited yet. And, we had success with it… In Bagienice we found what we were looking for for the first time. Here a cast iron cross for the siblings Johann and Marie Karpa was still to be seen. […]
Masuria – Seventh Day
Bad weather on this day. What remains? Drive to a few more places by car and see if it gets a little better from time to time. Momento 360° VR Version After breakfast I could fly again shortly in front of the hotel, but then grey clouds came up… We went via Lembruk to […]
Masuria – Sixth day
On the sixth day we made a second attempt to see the “floating islands” at Krutyń. The first attempt fell victim to the bad weather the day before. However, there is nothing floating there. I guess you have to spend a lot more time there to see it. After a short hike you reach the […]
Masuria – Fifth Day
The fifth day more or less fell victim to the bad weather. A few round trips to different cemeteries were the only thing we did. On one of the Piecki cemeteries we made again a nice find. But, the mentioned Emil Karpa is not yet listed in my family tree. Day-Trip On the fifth […]
Masuria – Fourth Day
On the fourth day good weather was once again predicted, so two flights with the drone were scheduled. First a second time in Karwie at the cemetery, this time with the planned dronelink flight (video will follow). Momento 360° VR Version At the cemetery we had more luck this time as well. We found […]