While the match between Germany and Switzerland at Euro 2024 was still on, I had a hunch – the radar images were more than enough to suggest it – that I would have to go out for the first NLCs (for Cuxhaven weather) of the season.

So shortly before the end of the match, I grabbed my stuff and headed to Grimmershörn bay.

NLCs over Grimmershörn


Sunday in the late evening, soccer and temperatures below 20°C mean that there are hardly any people out and about. The tide is also still very low, so there’s little boat traffic. What more could you want when you can already see the NLCs in the bright twilight. That was already very promising.

NLCs over Grimmershörn


The dominant NLC field was not only very bright, but also finely structured and quite high in the sky.

NLC Structures

NLC Structures


A second NLC field lay further west over the Döse/Duhnen area.

As the first NLC field slowly moved westwards, another area appeared on the horizon to the north. I then made another change of location.

NLC over Grimmershörn

NLC Structures

Timelapse videos are of course also available…