With more progress in editing, it is also worthwhile – in case of persistent bad weather – to reprocess some previous shots.

M31 – Andromeda Galaxy


In the new edits, the image detail was not chosen 100% exactly the same. Here are some comparisons…


M31 – Andromeda from October 7, 2022.

Andromeda old vs. new


M33 – Triangulum Galaxy from September 2, 2022.

M33 old vs. new


M81/M82 – Bode’s Galaxy from March 8, 2022.

Bode's Galaxy old vs. new


Eastern Veil Nebula from November 14, 2022.

Veil Nebula old vs. new


M42 – Orion Nebula from March 21, 2022.

Orion Nebula old vs. new