Unfortunately we had to cancel the originally planned Canada trip because of Covid-19. As an alternative we went on a search for clues in Masuria. Since some of our ancestors came from the area around Mrągowo and the surrounding area of nearby Mikołajki, we stayed in Mrągowo to explore the area.

A large part of the trip was dedicated to the still existing village cemeteries. Here I hoped to find a few finds to the family tree, which was then fulfilled at least once.

On the first day we first made a round trip through the nearby areas.

Masuria landscape near Górkło

Karwie and Grabowo

Both cemeteries are still easy to find, but the cemetery in Karwie is very overgrown and not easily accessible (except for four graves).

Grabowo cemetery

In Grabowo and Karwie I also flew with the drone (video to follow). Because the sun was already really high, the lights in the sky are burned out.

Momento 360° Version



In Szymonka we were at first only at the cemetery near by the church. We did the forest cemetery on another day.

Kościół rzymskokatolicki pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny


On the way back we made a stop in Czerwonki, where I used the drone once again. It was quite cloudy, but still quite nice to look at. In the west you can see Mrągowo in the background.

Momento 360° VR Version



We drove around 150 kilometers through the diverse small villages the first day.

Not a high-class video, but shows pretty much how the area looks like… The drive is through the villages Karwie, Grabowo, Krzywe, Brejidyny, Wierzbowo, Nowy Probark and Czerwonki.