Here are some stats generated from Lightroom from the pictures taken during the Masai Mara trip. Around 10000 photos were taken (incl. 70 videos with the D5100). More than 5600 were done with the D3/200-400 combination.

First showing the used focal-length for all 4 cameras we used.

All Camera focal-length

All Camera focal-length


Breakdown for the 3 main cameras (D3, D800 and D5100). The D2x only used the Sigma 500/f4.5.

D3 focal-length

D3 focal-length

D800 focal-length

D800 focal-length

D5100 focal-length

D5100 focal-length

ISO settings used. Mainly the cameras were running in Auto-ISO, therefore a lot of variety was used here.

All Camera ISO

All Camera ISO

Exposure values for all cameras.

All Camera EV

All Camera EV